.收录欢乐跳入英国金榜Top10的〈Acceptable in the 80s〉、一举夺下季军席次,成为舞池大热门之作〈The Girls〉
流行音乐圈每一年都有令人惊喜的声音出现,不见得是全新韵角,却也别出心裁的实验混搭相容频率,一再向前辈遗留下的庞大音乐资产取经,复古却不退潮流的引出拍案叫绝之声调。曾在70年末、80年初期昙花一现的迪斯可乐派,轻易挑起人们随乐起舞的欲望,然而近期摇滚领域中,却大量挖掘迪斯可音符,让摇滚乐变的更跳、更好消化、更Young起来。Calvin Harris这小子,就是爱80年代一切事物,从服装扮相直到音乐呈现,全新打造新世纪的迪斯克音乐图像。就连性感女神凯莉米洛都煞到Calvin的古灵精怪,在她即将问世的新专辑中特邀前往参与创作与混音。
来自苏格兰的Calvin,今年仅只23岁,自小耳濡目染接受大量80年代音韵,虽然等他搞清楚音乐是怎么一回事的时候,已经迈入90年代,但是,寻回80年代种种美好,是Calvin极力为自已的一个鲜明主题作出象征。15岁便开始在他卧房大稿搞音乐拼贴艺术。18岁以Stouffer之名发表〈Da Bongos〉,2004年持续问世单曲〈Let Me Know〉,不过都没令人留下深刻印象。藉着网路无远佛届的连锁效应,透过架设出的Myspace自由发挥创意,赢得唱片公司赏识,不仅顺利签下一纸合约,更先后为All Saints、Groove Armada、Jamiroquai等团体负责单曲混音。
Calvin可说是创意无限的推出个人首张专辑《I Created Disco》,夺下英国榜Top8。点出全辑重点的〈Acceptable in the 80s〉,有着向80年代致敬意味,完全重现当时的鲜亮特色形象与音乐文化背景,浓厚Synth-Pop/Eelectro-Dance节拍,欢乐跳入英国金榜Top10;五光十射的Disco音线四散,犹如Daft Punk同质气流的〈The Girls〉,一举夺下季军席次,成为舞池大热门之作;无论是稠密的Electro曲线堆叠出〈Vegas〉亦或〈Disco Heat〉,Calvin将Eelectroclash与Disco-Punk玩得更精致悦耳;散发淡淡诱人灵魂味觉的〈Love Souvenir〉,是专辑中相当突出之慢板小品。一些些有趣桥段、一首首令人回味之剪影、一幕幕往日美好画面伴随现代新潮交错音韵,勾勒出光亮鲜艳的舞韵色彩,活像舞厅彩色晶球般,旋转出缤纷舞曲线条。Calvin要让迪斯可乐章藉由此辑再度绝地大复活!
by Sharon Mawer
Scottish remixer, songwriter, former bedroom artist, MySpace star, and finally major-label recording artist on EMI, Calvin Harris released his debut album of electronic dance music with snatches of the Human League, or maybe more accurately the League Unlimited Orchestra, in the summer of 2007, including two Top Ten singles, "Acceptable in the 80s" and "The Girls." The former track is a slice of tongue-in-cheek disco-pop for all those born in the decade after dance music took over the world, and the latter extols the virtues of all types of girls (even those carrying a little bitty extra weight), with political correctness abounding as he name-checks that he likes black, white, Asian, and mixed-race girls along with at least half a dozen different nationalities. "Vegas" was released as a vinyl-only track, and one can picture cruising down the Strip in an open-top car, the mobile equivalent of a boogie box or ghetto blaster turned up to maximum, as all the local girls' heads turn to see who's in town. Several of the tracks are instrumentals, including "Certified," "Love Souvenir" (a cool, end-of-the-evening jazzy number), and the title track, although this does have a monologue of Harris explaining how and when he really did create disco. "Traffic Cops" is less than a minute of honking horns, but if you thought that was short, blink once and you would certainly miss the track "Vault Character," eight seconds long with just four electronic notes down the scale. Harris doesn't need to sing -- his electronic noises from the keyboard are quite sufficient -- but when he does sing there is a hint of the accent and attitude of the Streets' Mike Skinner, especially on "Colours" as he sings "I don't care what you dress like or what you wear/But please make sure baby you've got some colours in there," and his rhyming of the title phrase from "Neon Rocks" with "pink socks," which comes with a reminder: "Stop me if I've said it before/I keep my secret stash in the drawer." In keeping with the gaudy neon disco theme, the album was also released as a limited edition with a glow-in-the-dark cover.