
Coming Home

9 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 




Coming Home专辑介绍 “That's me, designed to piss you offˮ - when Peter Tägtgren is ascending from the depths of his legendary Abyss Studio to take the microphone, a little musical revolution is inevitable. Because what else would you expect from HYPOCRISY's death metal veteran, who not only plays industrial metal with PAIN, but is considered to be one of the most influential producers in the metal scene (DIMMU BORGIR, CHILDREN OF BODOM, SABATON etc.), and just recently launched his controversial project LINDEMANN in partnership with RAMMSTEIN's frontman Till.

Since the beginning of his career in the early 90s, the Swedish allrounder has enjoyed diving into the extreme and has grown to be an untameable force. But this is exactly what makes him so fascinating. Taboos, creative stagnation or genre boundaries have never existed in the world of the 46-year-old mastermind. And, of course, Peter Tägtgren wandered the same unexplored paths when the time came to forge »Coming Home«, the 8th studio release of the industrial institution PAIN. However, the path was long and winding and therefore, the writing process for the follow-up of 2011's »You Only Live Twice« wasn't all fun and games - but Peter Tägtgren is well prepared for the fight.

Therefore, it is no wonder, that PAIN deliver a revolutionary mix of styles on this new release - bizarre alternative metal meets electronic melodies - and, in addition, the band weave some spectacular orchestral arrangements into the tracks on »Coming Home«, without risking any cheesy moments or overloading the songs. The result are ten highly addictive metal hymns with massive depth and experimentation. Especially with the orchestrated parts, PAIN entered a new era and seeked assistance from CARACH ANGREN's Clemens “Ardekˮ Wijers, who added some magical final touches to Peter's bombastic songwriting. But PAIN also allow the album to breathe with beautiful acoustic guitar intros appearing hand in hand with stormy moments, showing the band at the zenith of their creativity.