
原神-珍珠之歌4 The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4

4 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 




风轻云暖 Snuggy Breeze

巧遇的漫想 Romantic Encounter

夜色温柔 Tender Is the Night

醺时轻斟 Tipsy Sips

炜煌的星阙 Glorious Metropole

荣映的瑰景 Honorable Landscape

遐愿之地 The Land of Heart's Desire

行于繁花侧畔 Down by the Forgotten Gardens

夕暮漫远 Twilight Wanderings

画景的游憩 Leisure in Painting

林中晨歌 Morning Song in the Forest

飞鼠进行曲 The Parade of Flying Squirrels

鹪鹩之歌 The Songs of the Wrens

松风拂煦 Gentle Breeze Through the Pines

山间悠谈 Tales From the Hills

日影斑驳 Patches of Sunlight

晨晓的萦忆 The Hour Before the Dawn

眠于柔静之月 Per Amica Silentia Lunae

幽域的先导 Pathfinder of Darkness

祝颂如梦 Benediction of Dreams

颂梦的祝祷 Benedictio Somnii

踏浪逐波 Tread the Tide

欢夏的存念 Summer Souvenir

魔女的茶话会 Teegesellschaft of the Hexenzirkel

终久的夙诺 Everlasting Promise

相遇,相别 Meeting and Passing

夜中幻剧 La nuit fantastique

不虞之险 Unforeseen Peril

蔷薇与烛影之舞 Pas de deux di Rosula e Candela

诉辩未决 Pendente Lite

梦兆的鲸歌 Whale Dream

汹溃之刻 Surging Calamity

深水的晓谕 Oracle of Deep Waters

失坠的征咎 La tristezza della Rosula

未竟的告白 La confession interrompue

幽厄的不谐音 Lightless Dissonance

欢呼吧,终幕已至 La comedie ni humaine ni divine

曲终奏雅 Tout est bien qui finit bien

裂隙的丝茧 Sheaths of Void

她曾梦见的晴空 Le ciel clair qu'elle avait songe

清泉之诗 Callirhoe's Prayer

咎证终显 Revealed Retribution

转生成为鬼兜虫然后撞翻世界(纯享版) I Got Reincarnated as an Onikabuto... And Flipped the World Upside Down (Instrumental)

旧宴新歌 Twice-Told Tales

定极的轨途 Constant Trajectory

折轴之刻 When the Axles Break

枕上朝露 Makurakotoba of Dew

秘逸之荣 Shrouded Honor

砭骨之诫 Glacial Castigation

一雨洗尘痕 All Passed With the Rain

刺玫的律度 La condotta della Rosula

染羽裁锦 Weaving Nishiki

厄月的殛罚 Balemoon's Chastisement

最初的告别 The Last Promise

炽砂的密谕 Secret Orders of the Sands

烛影之狩 Madrigale della Candela

温恂的思愿 Beautiful, Delightful Vision

宿昔的暖意 Timeless Warmth

唯存香迹 Hidden Sillage

众水的追忆 A la recherche des grandes eaux

烬中歌 The Song Burning in the Embers

寻星的游踪 Starlight Voyage

古国的残梦 Dreams of the Ancient Realm

遗城的萦思 Memories of a Lost Castle

星界的眷盼 Astral Yearning

龙与勇者的决意 Dragon and Determination

灼夜归火 Night of the Sacred Flame