This Custom Signature Edition D-18, featuring imprinted original artwork by the talented Robert F. Goetzl, is a tribute to the Lakota Sioux Native American Tribe. The guitar features a single arrowhead inlay on the headplate, to symbolize a tool that was essential to the tribe’s early survival, along with four arrowheads on the fingerboard, each facing outward, to represent the four directions which were sacred to the Lakota Tribe. Martin will be donating a guitar to the Native American Heritage Association (, a charitable organization whose mission is to provide food and other essentials to the people of Crow Creek and Pine Ridge Reservations in South Dakota. Pine Ridge has the lowest survival rate in the Western Hemisphere, second only to Haiti. The donated guitar will be auctioned off to raise much needed funds for the organization.
品牌 | Martin |
分类 | 民谣吉他 |
型号 | D18 RG |
音梁结构 | Forward Shifted X Brace |
弦钮 | Vintage Copper Open Gear |
有效弦长 | 25.4 |
拾音器 | None |
琴颈连接方式 | Dovetail Neck Joint |
琴体尺寸 | D14 Fret |
面板木材 | 西提卡云杉 |
面板细节 | None |
音孔装饰 | MultiStripe |
音梁形状 | Scalloped |
音梁材料 | 西提卡云杉 |
音梁尺寸 | 5/16 |
背板材料 | Genuine Mahogany |
背板细节 | None |
Back Purfling/Strip | Style 18 |
侧板材料 | Genuine Mahogany |
侧板细节 | None |
底部 | Faux Tortoise |
底部镶嵌 | None |
包边 | Faux Tortoise |
面板镶嵌材料 | MultiStripe |
侧板镶嵌材料 | None |
背板镶嵌材料 | None |
琴颈材料 | Genuine Mahogany |
琴颈形状 | Modified Low Oval |
Neck Taper | High Performance Taper |
Plek | 是 |
上弦枕材料 | Bone |
琴头形状 | Solid with Square Taper |
琴头贴面材料 | 乌木 |
琴头贴面细节 | 无 |
Headplate Logo Style | Script Old Style Overlay |
琴头贴面包边材料 | None |
琴踵帽 | Faux Tortoise |
指板材料 | 乌木 |
Neck Joins Body At | 14th Fret |
品数 | 20 |
上弦枕处指板宽度 | 1 3/4 |
Fingerboard Width at 12th Fret | 2 1/8 |
指板镶嵌材料 | Brown Mother of Pearl |
指板镶嵌样式 | Custom |
指板包边材料 | None |
侧板音点 | White |
背侧板漆面 | Gloss |
Back and Sides Color | Dark Mahogany |
漆面面板 | Gloss |
面板颜色 | Custom Ink |
漆面琴颈 | Satin |
琴颈颜色 | Dark Mahogany |
琴桥材料 | 乌木 |
琴桥样式 | Modern Belly Drop in Saddle |
Bridge String Spacing | 2 5/32 |
下弦枕 | Compensated Bone |
Saddle Radius | 16 |
Recommended Strings | SP Acoustic 92/8 Phosphor Bronze Medium (MSP4200) |
旋钮 | Butterbean |
Bridge Pin Material | Black Plastic |
固弦锥圆点 | None |
护板 | None |
护板镶嵌 | None |
琴箱 | Ply Hardshell |
Label | Paper Label Signed by CFM IV and Robert Goetzl |
是否有左手款 | No |