
Waking Hour

Eric's Song


strange how you know inside me 困惑你怎么会知道我的内心
I measure the time and I stand amazed 我计算着时间,惊奇地站着
strange how I know inside you 困惑我又怎样知道你的内心
my hand is outstretched toward the damp of the haze 我的手伸向潮湿的迷雾
and of course I forgive 当然我原谅了
I've seen how you live 我已经看到你的生活
like a phoenix you rise from the ashes 如同凤凰要从涅槃的死灰中重生
you pick up the pieces 你一点一点捡起破碎的自己
and the ghosts in the attic 但阁楼上躲藏的幽灵
they never quite leave 它们从未离开
and of course I forgive 当然我原谅了
you've seen how I live 你已经看到我的生活
I've got darkness and fears to appease 我需要面对自己的黑暗和恐惧
my voices and analogies 我的言说推理和野心
ambitions like ribbons 如同显眼的丝带
worn bright on my sleeve 佩戴在我的袖口
strange how we know each other 困惑我们怎样彼此相知
strange how I fit into you 困惑我怎样成为你的一部分
there's a distance erased with the greatest of ease 那么遥远的距离,如此轻易越过
strange how you fit into me 惊讶你怎样成为我的一部分
a gentle warmth filling the deepest of needs 在我最深处漫过温柔的暖流

and with each passing day 随着逝去的每一天
the stories we say 每一天我们讲述的旧事
draw us tighter into our addiction 让我们彼此执迷不悟,深深眷恋
confirm our conviction 坚定我们的信念
that some kind of miracle 某一个奇迹在我们中间发生
passed on our heads and how I am sure 我要挑战所有的理智
like never before 而这么做的理由
of my reasons for defying reason 我从未如此确定
embracing the seasons 我们拥抱着季节的流转
we dance through the colors 舞过四季流年的华彩
both followed and led 彼此牵引,彼此追随
strange how we fit each other 困惑我们怎样相知相爱
strange how certain the journey 困惑我们一路走来为何如此确定
time unfolds the petals for our eyes to see strange 时间打开岁月的花瓣,困惑着
strange how this journey's hurting 我们如何承受了一路的伤痛
in ways we accept as part of fate's decree 当做是命运裁决的一部分
so we just hold on fast 因此我们就这样紧握双手
acknowledge the past 看着过往
as lessons exquisitely crafted 如精心设计的教训
painstakingly drafted 痛彻心扉的起稿
to carve us as instruments 将我们琢磨
that play the music of life 成为能够吹奏生命的乐器
for we don't realize 我们没有去想过
our faith in the prize 我们对着结局的信念
unless it's been somehow elusive 是否无法捉摸,而又飘忽不定
how swiftly we choose it 而我们的选择如此决绝
the sacred simplicity 简单而神圣
of you at my side 要你在我身边