You know some times me and my lady have these crazy fights and when we do it makes me wonder
Are we're ever gonna get it right
When I think about leaving I think about me
What my life would be like if I were back to being free
Go where I wanna go, do what I wanna do, wouldn't have a soul I had to answer to
When I think about leaving I think about me
You know I got a friend him and his wife just couldn't see eye to eye he had all he could
Stand one day and just packed up and said good-bye
When I think about leaving I think about him
That little apartment cross town he's living in
Got an old Corvette, got a new girlfriend, but only sees his kids every other weekend
When I think about leaving oh I think about him
I never will forget her face or the day she told me about her dad, how he walked out on her
And her mom when she was just a kid
When I think about leaving oh I think about her
Only five years old and her heart filled up with hurt
When I think about leaving I think about her
You know the truth is, most of the time things were really great and I know we got something
When I think about leaving I think about us
How we build this love we share on faith and trust, honest way we talk, tender way we touch,
All those nights we spent making love,
When I think about leaving oh I think about us
When I think about leaving I think again
Even though that thought crosses my mind every now and then
In my heart I know I would never leave, there's nowhere else on earth I would rather be
When I think about leaving I think again
When I think about leaving
When I think about leaving
When I think about leaving: I think again