
The Chicago Story Complete Greatest Hits

Another rainy day in New York City


Another rainy day
In New York City
Softly sweet
So silently it falls
As crosstown traffic crawls

Memories in my way
In New York City
Tender, tough
Too tragic to be true
Nothing I can do

City workers cheer
Taxis disappear
Another rainy day
In New York City

La la la la....

Another spacy stay
In New York city
High up in an
Overpriced hotel
The view is really swell

Windy, wet and gray
In New York City
No one here
I really want to see
Friends and family

Suddenly serene
The air is fresh and clean
Another rainy day
In New York City

It's another rainy day
Just a rainy, rainy day
It's another rainy day
Just a rainy, rainy day....