
The Very Best Of Nat King Cole

L-O-V-E (Multilingual Version/2006 Digital Remaster)

* English *

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

* French *

Toi qui ne m`avais rien repondu
(You, who never replied to me)
Je sais que tu ne m`avais pas cru
(I know that you didn`t believe me)

* German *

Doch, seit ein paar Tagen,
(But since a few days,)
Brauch` ich nicht mehr nach zu schlagen
(I dont need to look it up anymore)
Denn, ich lieb` nur dich allein
(Because, I only love you)

* Spanish *

Quiero que me expliques por favor
(Want you to explain to me please)
Lo que enciera la palabra amor
(What is the meaning of the word Love)

* Italian *

So che non ho nulla da desiderare ancora
(I know I`ve nothing more to wish for)
Perche per me tu sei la sola donna mondiale
(Because you`re the only one in the world)

* Japanese *

Love wa sekai no kotoba
(Love is the language of the world)
Love wa futari no takara
(Love is the treasure of couples)
Ai shi aeba ashita mo akarui
(If we love each other, tomorrow will also be bright)

* English *

Love, Love you love, I love you
Love, Love you love, I love you
Love, Love you love, I love you