
Deathstar Rising



鑹烘湳瀹讹細Before the Dawn
涓撹緫锛欴eathstar Rising
Defiance towards
The passing time and its speeding course
Lifeblood has been bled
Left is only remembrance
Of the days I lived, I erased
Footprints behind me
Covered by sands of time
Like I was never there
Marks I drew on the canvas of life
Gone like I was never there
None existence or false
Misleading memories
Thoughts forsaken, forlorn
Darkness descends
Left is only remembrance
Of the days I lived, I erased
Footprints behind me
Covered by sands of time
Like I was never there
Marks I drew on the canvas of life
Gone like I was never there
Footprints behind me
Covered by sands of time
Like I was never there
Marks I drew on the canvas of life
Gone like I was never there