
Hell Over Sofia: 20 Years of Chaos & Confusion

Pleasure Of Molestation

You displease my eyes!

Some say, that I'm sick
(but) I justify my lust.
Holy day, I was here
to molest this evil corpse.

lustful blasphemy.
Their gathering - brought you to me!
At the altar where they recently found you
Running loose to your condition
The angels soon will be dead
All believers have a walk in Hell!
[end of chorus]

Call my name, I will hear
and the christians will cease to exist.
I curse, thee whom I seek
Darkening, will soon be here.

Wait, sacrifice my life
with this evil unholy knife.
We are looking down to a god
Fuck Jesus Christ!

Slaves of mankind, believe your lies.
Useless, beggars, believers - I hope you die!

Fuck your God, I don't know him.
Crime is in our hearts - do not reveal!
[Same part from 2001 onwards / live]
Crying, curl up and die
My eternal oath - you shall see!

[repeat chorus 1 time]
Sacrifice a virgin's body life
Would you be a servant, for Satan or mankind?
Sacrifice a virgin's body life
Again I speak: Fuck Jesus Christ!