
Breakfast at Tiffany's (Music from the Motion Picture)(蒂凡尼早餐)

Moon River

Audrey Hepburn - Moon rive月河

Moon river wider than a mile 月河比一哩更寬
I'm crossing you in style some day 来日我會優雅地渡过你
Oh, dream maker 噢!織夢者
You heart breaker你總是讓人心碎
Wherever you're going不論你去向何方
I'm going your way我將隨你而去

Two drifters off to see the world 兩個漂泊者 起身去看世界
There's such a lot of world to see 这世界有很多精彩等待打开
We're after the same rainbow's end 我倆追隨著同一道彩虹的末端
Waiting 'round the bend 在岸边等待
My huckleberry friend我的知心好友
Moon river and me 還有月河.........和我