
Drive Me Crazy (1999 Film)

It's All Been Done

I met you before the fall of Rome
And I begged you to let me take you home
You were wrong, I was right
You said "Goodbye"
I said "Goodnight"
It's all been done,
It's all been done,
It's all been done before.

I knew you before the west was won
And I heard you say the past was much more fun
You go your way, I go mine
But I'll see you next time
It's all been done,
It's all been done,
It's all been done before.

If I put my fingers here
And if I say "I love you, dear"
And if I play the same three chords
Will you just yawn and say
It's all been done,
It's all been done,
It's all been done before.

Alone and bored on a thirtieth century night
Will I see you on "The Price is Right"
Will I cry
Will I smile
As you run down the aisle

It's all been done,
It's all been done,
It's all been done before

It's all been done,
It's all been done,
It's all been done

It's all been done,
It's all been done,
It's all been done before