

Multivectorial Reionization


Scatter electrons · dark ages reversion

This is a bad age for the solar system
and for this opaque universe

Neutral hydrogen lights

Spectral · absorption lines · atomic · transition changes

High temperatures

Prevention disaster failed
Human vulnerability
Inappropriately managed risk
Supercluster of 200 billion stars

Brane distortion

Impossible resilience · cosmos severity

Another big-bang is near
Perceived a black halo
Of those who try to escape
Inverted nucleosyntesis

Destroying all structures formed once in time
Dominated by ionized plasma
A new epoch of reonization
Sectioning the four-quadrant section

He knew it would happen
He was ready forthis

The ship begins the vortex mitosis
Antimatter chargers are now full of energy

Proteomic spec-trometer
Warns controlled multiple and guided disintegration
I take a chance to redirect the ship
Avoid this sea of quarks and gluons

Lengths beyond Planck scale
Fluctuations. Disturbances
Darkning inflation on a complex limbo

Unidentified infrared emission