
Omen of Disease

Blood Gullet


A planet covered with three quarters water,
Oceans and seas hold primeval terror,
Nightmare eating machines inhabit the deep,
Denizens below the surface, hunger for us all,

The jaws crush, sever, shred and ruin,
The mouth devours, gulps and swallows,
Ragged body parts, packed deep inside,
Lapidated remains, digest in a blood gullet...

Born to ingest meat, shark pups eat siblings,
Intrauterine cannibalism, a first taste of flesh.

The jaws crush, sever, shred and ruin,
The mouth devours, gulps and swallows,
Ragged body parts, packed deep inside,
Lapidated remains, digest in a blood gullet...

Created to kill and it always wants more,
It masticates on you as the oceans slick with gore.

The feeding frenzy dismembers and mutilates,
Ungodly carnage from teeth that won't chew.