上海个风 吹到西又吹到东 the wind in Shanghai, blows from west to east
要吹到何里 从来就呒没人能搞得懂 no one knows where the wind is going
伊勒长江口一吹就吹了几百年 it blows for numerous generations from the Changjiang estuary
拿一帮小鬼头吹成了老朋友 it blows those naughty children into old friends
上海个风 吹出来陆家嘴个摩天高楼 the wind in Shanghai, blows up the skyscrapers in Lujiazui
一幢高过一幢勿造到天堂是誓勿罢休 which are being taller and taller, as if reaching the heaven
伊拿石库门一扇扇吹成功了新天地 it blows old lanes into Xintiandi
再拿新天地吹到了全国步行街个高头 and blows Xintiandi to every promenade in China
上海个风 吹脱了一个叫卢湾个区 the wind in Shanghai, blows away the Luwan district
要是好吹估计要拿高头个梧桐树也侪要吹得去 it might blow away the sycamore trees there too if it could
伊拿静安寺吹得像世博会个泰国馆 it blows the Jjing’an Temple into an analog of the Thailand Pavillion in EXPO
再拿弄堂个小人一批批吹到了城乡结合部个郊区 then blows those “longtang” (“lane”) kids to the outskirts
上海个风 吹来了外地人到上海打拼 the wind in Shanghai, blows the outsiders here to earn a living
勿知勿觉吹出来2300万上海人 it blows Shanghai a population of 23 million unconsciously
再拿上海人吹到了澳洲美国加拿大 then blows Shanghainese to Australia, America and Canada
七大洲五大洋到处侪有阿拉朋友亲眷 all over the world can be found our friends and relatives
亲爱个上海 今朝侬吹个是啥个风 my dear Shanghai, what kind of wind are you blowing today
为啥体总有点佝叽叽勒我胸口 why there is always depressions in my heart
亲爱个上海 听说世界将要天下大同 my dear Shanghai, I heard that the world is going to be as one
但请侬告诉我 究竟想要我哪恁做 but tell me please, what do you really want me to do
上海个风 吹出来十几根地铁线 the wind in Shanghai, blows here a dozen of subway lines
内环中环外环接牢仔一圈是又一圈 the inner ring, middle ring follows the outer ring
伊拿汽车牌照吹成功一部新车子个价钿 it blows the price of a license plate up to as much as a new car
但往往开车子最绕个路线就是最快个路线 but usually the longest route is the quickest one
上海个风 拿滑稽戏吹进了电视机 the wind in Shanghai, blows the Shanghai comedy onto the screen
让滑稽戏搿门艺术变得是越来越滑稽 the blows this kind of art more and more like a real low comedy
从屏幕里就好像看到一帮猢狲勒海出把戏 it somehow resembles a group of monkeys performing on stage
伊拉恨勿得冲出来硬劲呵侬个痒欠欠 as if ready to dash out of the television to tickle you to laugh
上海个风 拿上海闲话从上海滩吹个干净 the wind in Shanghai, blows off the Shanghai dialect
吹出一代代只会讲国语英文个上海小人 blows out generations of children who can only speak mandarin and English
要听正宗上海闲话只好去看“新老娘舅”柏万青 if you want to listen to the standard Shanghai dialect, you have no choice but watching Baiwanqing
柏阿姨就是万千上海人心目中个包青天 Mrs Bai is the justest judge in the heart of thousands of Shanghainese
上海个风 吹季风吹脱了季风书园 the wind in Shanghai, blows away the Jifeng bookstore
拿国际奢侈品牌打包吹进了南京路西 blows all the global luxury brands into West Nanjing road
现在整个上海大概只有几粒老城隍庙个五香豆 now in the whole Shanghai, only some spiced beans from Chenghuangmiao
为“上海制造”维持点罪过八腊个虚荣心 can maintain some pathetic dignity of “made in Shanghai”
亲爱个上海 今朝侬吹个是啥个风 my dear Shanghai, what kind of wind are you blowing today
为啥体总有点佝叽叽了我胸口 why there is always depressions in my heart
亲爱个上海 听说世界将要天下大同 my dear Shanghai, I heard that the world is going to be as one
但请侬告诉我 究竟想要我哪恁做 but tell me please, what do you really want me to do
亲爱个上海 明朝侬又要吹啥个风 my dear Shanghai, what kind of wind will you blow today
为啥体总有眼吓咾咾了我心中 why I feel kind of flustered in my heart
亲爱个上海 听说世界已经天下大同 my dear Shanghai, I heard that the world has already been as one
但请侬原谅我 还是拎勿清该哪恁做 but do forgive me, I still have no idea of what to do
上海个风 吹到东又吹到西 the wind in Shanghai, blows from east to west
要吹到何里 老早就呒没人再会去关心 where will you blow, no one cares any more
伊拿上海人吹得是越来越呒没脾气 it blows away the temper of Shanghainese
想寻开心只好去顶楼马戏团看马戏 if you want to have fun, you can only go to Top Floor Circus to watch the circus
想寻开心只有去顶楼马戏团看马戏 if you want to have fun, you can only go to Top Floor Circus to watch the circus