
His Majesty



Don’t leave me brother, trailing behind
I’ve felt more lost than I’ve felt found
With all the chaos in my mind
Dream of world beyond these hills
Where I’ll start a brand new life

Confidence shaken, fear in my eyes
My heart it races, full of doubts, while we conquer the stateside
I know I’m not the greatest man
But father time tends to be kind

For everything I’ve had, but set aside
I look back now and realize
That everything I’ve wanted was always mine

I let the current, sweep me aside
The rushing water knows no bounds
On tender matters such as life
It’s been so long since I believed myself
Time to dry my pride

So hear me brother, the time has come
To mend the broken, nurse the fire
of every knot that’s come undone
Pick up the pace, we’re headed West
This journey’s just begun