
谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情

千万覅做顶马的乐手(Don’t join in the Top Floor Circus)


侬覅以为做个乐手 don’t think that once you are in a band
小姑娘就会随便跟侬走 girls will easily go out with you
要晓得每趟演出好以后 in fact every time the show is over
侪是搿帮老男人勒海吃老酒 there only remains these middle-aged men drinking
(侪是搿帮老家伙勒海拼老酒)(there only remains these middle-aged men madly drinking)

侬覅以为做个乐手 don’t think that once you are in a band
小姑娘就好随便搀搀手 girls will easily hold your hand
好看个看到侬别转屁股就走 those who are pretty turn their back on you
难看个侬又下勿下去手 those who are not, you won’t like them either

千万覅做顶马个乐手 never join in the Top Floor Circus
qq群里侪是帮屌丝勒谈足球 in their qq group there are only losers talking about football
月亮小组从来搜勿出啥个花头 groupie threads never have their rumors
实在呒没啥事体好拨侬来揩油 you won’t get anything good from them

千万覅做顶马个乐手 never join in the Top Floor Circus
出去侪要拨人家叫爷叔老头 their members are always called as uncle
总算有小姑娘向侬提出要求 finally there’s a girl asking you to do her a avor
拍张照片旁边还要立个男朋友 taking a photo only to have her boyfriend standing together