
Never Stop Loving... The best of

I Speak to the Stars


I Speak To The Stars - Doris Day
I speak to the stars
In a sky full of wonder
In a world full of magic
It may be they can hear
What my heart is thinking of
(We can hear your heart
we know what you're thinking of)
I speak to the stars
And I ask them to tell me
Am I making a blunder
Is this just an illusion
Or is it really love
(Is this really love)
Do I make too much
Of the promise in a stranger's eyes
What will happen when the magic dies
Am I riding for a fall
I speak to the stars
And I wait for an answer
Little stars won't you tell me
But they don't seem to hear
As they twinkle up above
So I turn from them
And speak to my heart
And my heart tells me
I'm in love
(You can trust your heart)
(For your heart does never lie)
(You're in love)
I'm in love
(You're in love)
I'm in love
(You're in love)
I'm in love