
My Little Pony - Songs of Ponyville (Music from the Original TV Series)(小马宝莉 / 彩虹小马:小马谷之歌)

Twilight's Failure Song


I was prepared to do my best

Thought I could handle any test

For I can do so many tricks

But I wasn't prepared for this

Levitation would have been a breeze

Facts and figures I recite with ease

Twilight Sparkle: The square root of five hundred and forty-six is twenty-three point three six six six four two eight nine one zero nine.

Professor Bill Neigh: She is correct!

I could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss

But I wasn't prepared for this

Will I fail, or will I pass?

I can't be sure...

She can't be sure...

My mind is sharp, my skills intact

My heart is pure...

Her heart is pure...

Oh, I've taken my share of licks

I've made it through the thin and thick

But no I wasn't

Oh no, she wasn't

Oh no, I wasn't

Oh no, she wasn't

No I wasn't

Prepared... for this!