There is no room in the afterlife,in the afterlife!
Thats what she said to me, in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that what she said to me!Falling angle came to me, that's the moment go! She came to talk good butterfly the truth that I should know!
That's what she truth me, she true me to forget the wall!
The creatures in my hand.
She is speak there and she can't speak for all the other cannot. That what she true me!
There is no love in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that what she said to me there wanna be in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that like we wanna, that like we wanna to be!
The falling angle over me, the blacker glass of wine.
She said that here to make it seat, the running out of time!
That what she true me: There is no love in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that what she said to me! No love in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that like we wanna, that like we wanna to be!
This is love! Wohooo!For me! Fooooor! This one that you wanna be!
That's what she true me, that's what she true me: There is no love in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that's what she said to me: No love in the afterlife, in the afterlife: That's what she said, that's what she said to me!In the afterlife! No love in the afterlife, in the afterlife, that like we wanne, that like we wanna to be!