
Miracles Out Of Nowhere

Carry On Wayward Son

Carry on my wayward son 坚持住,我倔强的孩子。
For there'll be peace when you are done 你只有坚持到底,内心才会得到安宁
Lay your weary head to rest 让你疲倦的脑袋休息一会吧
Now don't you cry no more 现在开始 不要再哭泣了

Once I rose above the noise and confusion 曾经我克服了凡尘嘈杂,远离世事困惑
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion 只想一窥幻象背后的真相
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high 我曾一直努力想要翱翔得更高,但是我太过野心勃勃。
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man 虽然我的眼能看,但我依旧目光短浅。
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man 虽然我的心能想,但我依旧缺乏理性。
I hear the voices when I'm dreamin' 在梦中我听到有声音回响在耳边
I can hear them say 我听到他们说

Carry on my wayward son 坚持住,我倔强的孩子。
For there'll be peace when you are done 你只有坚持到底,内心才会得到安宁
Lay your weary head to rest 让你疲倦的脑袋休息一会吧
Now don't you cry no more 现在开始 不要再哭泣了

Masquerading as a man with a reason 假装自己是一个有理性的人,
My charade is the event of the season 不被人看透的伪装是我人生的重点
And if I claim to be a wise man 如果我自诩为一个智者
It surely means that I don't know 这无疑说明我的不确定
On a stormy sea of moving emotion 在情感汹涌的海洋中
Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean 我像一艘摇晃不定的船只
I set a course for winds of fortune 努力掌控着命运之舵。
But I hear the voices say 但是我听到有声音在说

Carry on my wayward son 坚持住,我倔强的孩子。
For there'll be peace when you are done 你只有坚持到底,内心才会得到安宁
Lay your weary head to rest 让你疲倦的脑袋休息一会吧
Now don't you cry no more 现在开始 不要再哭泣了

Carry on, you will always remember 坚持住,你将永远铭记
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor 坚持住,光辉无与伦比
Now your life's no longer empty 你的生命将不再空虚
Surely heaven waits for you 天堂之门必将为你而开

Carry on my wayward son 坚持住,我倔强的孩子。
For there'll be peace when you are done 你只有坚持到底,内心才会得到安宁
Lay your weary head to rest 让你疲倦的脑袋休息一会吧
Now don't you cry no more 现在开始 不要再哭泣了