
animation BECK soundtrack “BECK”


I don't know since when I changed to such a cold-hearted guy.
不知何时 我变成冷漠者
I have to warm this frozen icy lonely heart to thaw.
我必须融化 这冰冷孤单的心
I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure.
I'm gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy.
我要让我的未来 被欢笑填满

I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be.
I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul.
I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time.
我不再付出真心 不想浪费时间
I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole.
为从自我的突破口逃走 我尝试爱这孤单

Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
悲伤为我所恶 但它令人长进
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
遗憾教会我 日后如何做出决定
Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once.
平静一直在我身边 可我未曾发现
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.
爱 不是仅为爱情准备的语言

Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death.
是的 我曾惊慌失措 怕的要命
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I"m scared, scared, scared, scared to death.
是的 我曾惊慌失措 怕的要命
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.
而直到最后 我都会告诉自己 我是特别的

Recalling my torn broken, aching heart of these long days.
回想 那些撕心裂肺的伤痛日子
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
以及所有 让我成长 但想忘掉的记忆
Recalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me.
曾经的 回忆  挫折  痛苦 哭喊 让我坚定了自己
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.
我将带着它们 在向未来的途中 一直微笑下去
yangrui 2016-5-9 | 悬赏中 电吉他 拨片:10 回复