Where Dragons Rule

Where Dragons Rule吉他谱 Where Dragons Rule吉他谱 Where Dragons Rule吉他谱 Where Dragons Rule吉他谱 Where Dragons Rule吉他谱 Where Dragons Rule吉他谱

标题:Where Dragons Rule

制谱人:All Instruments Transcribed By: AllJudasPriest


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located 
throughout. The song is mostly complete with some 
guitar and vocal naunces missing. The solo 
could be better because of double tracking. You 
can split them into individual tracks if you wish but it 
was done this way to not be an eye sore. It is also 
imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to 
your right where it is, as this makes it sound best. This 
was checked for accuracy by playing along with the 
real track song!

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 100


  1. Vocals: Midnight - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  2. Guitar: Jon - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Extra: Lead - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  4. Guitar: Ben - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  5. Bass: Jeff - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  6. Drums: Dana - 敲击乐器
  7. Extra: Misc - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
注释:Please Read Score Information![5.2 Users: Lead II (sawtooth)][5.2 Users: LesPaul: Amp: Eddie Lead - Default][5.2 Users: Strat: Legends: E.G.M. - Rhythm][5.2 Users: Finger: Jazz: Tones - Default][5.2 Users: Drum Kit 16: Acoustic: Default][5.2 Users: Les Paul: Legends: EGM - Brown Sound][5.2 Users: Choir Aahs]Mis sionKILL!Mis sionKILL!MARCH!Mis sionKILL![5.2 Users: SynthStrings I][5.2 Users: Choir Aahs]

艺人:Crimson Glory


作词:Drenning, Lords, Midnight

作曲:Jon Drenning / Jeff Lords / Midnight


The dra gons rise from the sea of flames, thru the night you can hear them mar ching Breath ing fire, wings of steel. By the thou sands, they take to the sky. Sha dow us all _ In a world where dra gons rule. Where dra gons rule. All a cross the sky they soar, burn ing trails in to the night La zer eyes gleam ing death Like shoot ing stars, they fall from the sky Death from a bove _ In a world be tween myth and strange _ re al i ty In a world where dra gons rule We kill for the dra gon We have no rea son We will die for the dra gon Is there a rea son? We kill for the dra gon Where dra gons rule Where dra gons rule Where dra gons rule


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