Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best吉他谱 Mother Knows Best吉他谱 Mother Knows Best吉他谱 Mother Knows Best吉他谱 Mother Knows Best吉他谱

标题:Mother Knows Best


节拍:Moderate ♩ = 132

  1. Lead - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  3. Drums - 敲击乐器

艺人:Crystal Castles

专辑:Doe Deer EP

作词:Alice Glass

作曲:Ethan Kath

Feel her tight between my thighs from across the football field
It's victory that I smell inside and the smell contains no guilt
H e are p e s I can smell them through her dress
My daddy's wrong mother knows best
C c c is for c*** there's a sickness inside that I need to harvest
Broken tramp have you seen her, I tried to love but now I'll beat her
He are p e s I can smell them through her dress
Your daddy's wrong mother knows best

She's the one who brings me to life, when I stab her with my hunting knife
Broken tramp have you seen her, I tried to love but now I've beat her


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