A Darkness To Drown In

A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱 A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱 A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱 A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱 A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱 A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱 A Darkness To Drown In吉他谱

标题:A Darkness To Drown In

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 125

  1. 杨腩 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. 需蜢 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. 拎耨 - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. 叔轳 - 亮音大钢琴 Bright Acoustic Piano
  5. 莉祛耵屦 - 弦乐合奏1 String Ensemble 1
  6. 愉囵睇 - 敲击乐器
标记:青觌噤赅 1青觌噤赅 2青觌噤赅 -7青觌噤赅 -6橡栾邂橡栾邂枢痄囗 镱青觌噤赅 1

艺人:Dark The Suns

专辑:In Darkness Comes Beauty

Into the night we drown with Sun 
The blaze of light is dying down
There are no birds to sing our songs

Sleep with me, see a dream
In this darkness we may stay
Far away from this world
These are silent goodbyes

Into the night I drown with Sun
Deep in the shades, fallen from light
I close my eyes to see you near...


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