艺人:Darkest Hour
专辑:Darkest Hour
作词:John Henry
作曲:Mike Schleibaum, Mike Carrigan
My dove of prey -will you for-ev-er haunt me? I've lust-ed and en-vied. The one and the in-fn-ite eyes. -And for now I see no-thing but blood in the skies. I'm li-vin' a drug. -The white to-wer and the black-ened lungs --re-lease my bo-dy in--to the ni---ght. -No-thing is sa-cred when no-thing is ri---So, take me a-way from this spite-ful life.-----Ne-ver mor-ning. Ne-ver lea-ving. Ne-ver set-ting an end or re-pea-ting. And e-ver-y day -is ne-ver com-pl-when e-ver-y night you must fall a-sleep and re-a-lize -there's some pla-ces you don't wan-na find. And do what you want with me to-night. -Just take me a-way from this spite-ful -life I'm li-vin' a drug. -The white to-wer and the black-ened lungs --re-lease my bo-dy in to the ni---ght. -No-thing is sa-cred when no-thing is ri---So, take me a-way from this spite-ful life. Where no-thing is sa-cred when no-thing is right. Why are we stand-ing a-lone, an-ti-ci-pa-ting what your like will be-come when may-be this whole time -self-pre-ser-va-tion your mo-ti-va-tion to whore lie and steal -from the weak. It is-n't veiled or dis-creet. Oh, so what did you think. This cir-cle will al-ways sink -to the dark-est depths of the ob-so-lete. I'm li-vin' a drug. -The white to-wer and the black-ened lungs --re-lease my bo-dy in to the ni---ght. -No-thing is sa-cred when no-thing is ri---So take me a-way from this spite-ful life where no-thing is sa-cred and no-thing is right.