Two Birds One Stone

Two Birds One Stone吉他谱 Two Birds One Stone吉他谱 Two Birds One Stone吉他谱 Two Birds One Stone吉他谱 Two Birds One Stone吉他谱 Two Birds One Stone吉他谱

标题:Two Birds One Stone


so so

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 90

  1. Pista 1 - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  2. Pista 2 - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Percusi髇 - 敲击乐器
  4. Pista 4 - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  5. Pista 5 - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  6. Pista 6 - 合成柔音3(复合成) Pad 3 (polysynth)
标记:IntroVerseChorusPre VerseVerseChorusOutroChorus

艺人:Drop Dead Gorgeous

Love is what we got
A terrible mistake
This bedroom is caught on fire
And killed
Two birds with one stone
A terrible love song
You sang it so sweet

If I ever see you again
And this gun is loaded
You'll sleep in hell
You'll sleep in it
If I ever see you again
And this gun is loaded
You'll sleep in hell
You'll sleep in hell

Love is what we lost
We had a connection
This feeling has gone too far
And killed
Two birds with one stone
A terrible love song
You sang it so sweet

If I ever see you again
And this gun is loaded
You'll sleep in hell
You'll sleep in it
If I ever see you again
And this gun is loaded
You'll sleep in hell
You'll sleep in hell

You told me you'd keep this between us
If you're so sorry
I hope you're happy
You slung
Your tongue
At me
You're wrong

If I ever see you again
And this gun is loaded
You'll sleep in hell
You'll sleep in it
If I ever see you again
And this gun is loaded
You'll sleep in hell
You'll sleep in hell

More lyrics:,_one_stone_lyrics_drop_dead,_gorgeous.html
All about Drop Dead,+Gorgeous:,+Gorgeous


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