
Endlessly吉他谱 Endlessly吉他谱 Endlessly吉他谱 Endlessly吉他谱


副标题:(transcribed by Maitinin)(吉他社www.jitashe.net)

制谱人:Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 30th /October /10

和弦:C Em/B Fmaj7/A G Fm/Ab C7 F Fm A7 Dm Dm(add9) Db Fm/C Gbmaj7/Bb Gbm/A Db7 Ab Gbm/Db Gb Gbm Bb7 Ebm Ebm(add9)

  1. Steel Guitar - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  2. Electric Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  3. Electric Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  4. Steel Guitar - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  5. Fretless Bass - 无品贝司 Fretless Bass

The chords here are relative to the capo. The actual key is Db major.Notice that you don't strum the bass note on the Fm/Ab (and F) to give more space for the bass.The tremolo picking is not actual 32nd notes, but just very fast.Keep it low just here in the Intro.(knock on the guitar body)



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