艺人:Enter Shikari
专辑:A Flash Flood of Colour (2012)
作词:Enter Shikari
作曲:Enter Shikari
This is an ex pe di tion in to the arc tic tund ra This is a sic ke ning mis sion Yeah! Just to spoil and plun der That's the sound of an ot her door shut ting in In the face of prog ress, in the face of prog ress They'll plant their flags, in the sea bed Shack le ton is rol ling in his grave That's the sound of an ot her door shut ting in In the face of prog ress, in the face of prog ress They'll plant their flags, in the sea bed Shack le ton is rol ling in his grave Yeah yeah yeah, we're all ad dic ted to the most a bused and des truc tive drug of all time And I ain't tal king a bout class a's that busi ness is mi nus cule when com pared And just like a ny ad dict des perate to get his next fix We re sort to com mit ting crimes to secure our next hit! Yeah! Yeah we're all ad dic ted Yeah we're all de pen dent That's the ma ni ac stand point psy cho tic out look That's the ma ni ac stand point psy cho tic out look That's the sound of an ot her door shut ting in In the face of prog ress, in the face of prog ress They'll plant their flags, in the sea bed Shack le ton is rol ling in his grave That's the sound of an ot her door shut ting in In the face of prog ress, in the face of prog ress They'll plant their flags, in the sea bed Shack le ton is rol ling in his grave So let me get this straight As we wit ness the ice caps melt In stead of been spurred in to chan ging our ways We're gonna in vest in mi li tary hard ware to fight to the re mai ning oil that left be neath the ice But what hap pens when it's all gone! You ha ven't thought this through have you boys? We'll take you down! We'll take you down! We'll take you down! Stand your ground! You know there's o il in the Yeah we're all ad dic ted Yeah we're all de pen dent That's the ma ni ac stand point psy cho tic out look That's the ma ni ac stand point Yeah Back to the dra wing board boys Ac cept no thing short of com plete re ver sal. Dig deep!