艺人:George Thorogood
专辑:Boogie People
作曲:George Thorogood
I'm tired of put ting up _ with yer so ber ways _ Tired of look ing at you thru an al co ho lic haze _ You bet ter change _ I'm beg ging you please _ Cuz if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _ I wake up in the morn ing, I'm un der the roof But I get no sym pa thy _ ba by yer too a loof _ You bet ter change _ Yes, I'm beg ging you please _ Cuz if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _ Bud wei ser, Bud wei ser, Mil ler Lite _ Take a lit tle nip ba by it's al right _ All a fel low wants is com pa ny Come on ba by have a taste with me _ Oh Yeah, you say it's al right ba by you don't care But as soon as I in dulge I get that i cy stare You bet ter change _ Yes, I'm beg ging you please _ Cuz if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _ Don't give me no lec tures 'bout stress and strife So br i e ty just ain't my way of life You bet ter change _ Yes, I'm beg ging you please Cuz if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _ Al right Yeah, Bud wei ser, Bud wei ser, Mil ler Lite _ Take a lit tle nip ba by it's al right _ All a fel low wants is com pa ny Come on ba by have some fun with me _ Oh Yeah, you say it's al right ba by you don't care But as soon as I in dulge I get that i cy stare You bet ter change _ Yes, I'm beg ging you please _ Cuz if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _ Well, if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _ Yes, if you don't start drink ing I'm gon na leave _