Code Monkey Acoustic

Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱 Code Monkey Acoustic吉他谱

标题:Code Monkey - Acoustic

Tabbed from Jonathan's live performance.

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 140


和弦:E B/E A E5 B G# C#m B7 E6 B5 D Am

  1. Guitar - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  2. Vocals - 合成主音1(方波) Lead 1 (square)
歌曲: Code Monkey

艺人:Jonathan Coulton


Code Mon-key get up, get co-f-fee. Code Mon-key go to job. Code Mon-key have bo-ring me-et-ing with bor-ing man-a-ger Rob. Rob say Code Mon-key ve-ry di-li-gent but his out-put stink. His code not func-tion-al or el-e-gant, what do Code Mon-key think? Code Mon-key think ma-y-be man-a-ger wan-na write god-damned log-in page him-self. Code Mon-key not say it out loud. Code Mon-key not cra-zy just proud. Code Mon-key like Fri-tos. Code Mon-key like Tab and Moun-tain Dew. Code Mon-key ve-ry sim-ple man, big warm fuz-zy sec-ret heart. Code Mon-key like you. Code Mon-key hang a-round at fr-ont desk, tell you swea-ter look nice. Code Mon-key of-fer buy you s-o-da, bring you cup, bring you ice. You say no thank you for the so-da 'cause so-da make you fat. A-ny-way, you bu-sy with the te-le-phone, n-o time for chat. Code Mon-key have long walk back to cu-bi-cle. He sit down, pre-tend to work. Code Mon-key not think-ing so straight. Code Mon-key not feel-ing so great. Code Mon-key like Fri-tos. Code Mon-key like Tab and Moun-tain Dew. Code Mon-key ve-ry sim-ple man, big warm fuz-zy sec-ret heart. Code Mon-key li-ke you. Code Mon-key li-ke you a lot. Code Mon-key have eve-ry re-a-son to get out of this place. But Code Mon-key just keep on wo-rk-ing, see your soft pre-tty face. Much rath-er wake up, eat a cof-fee cake, ta-ke bath, take nap. This job, ful-fill-ing in cre-a-tive way? Such a load of crap. Code Mon-key think some-day he have eve-ry-thing, ev-en pre-tty girl like you. Code Mon-key just wait-ing for now. Code Mon-key say some-day, some-how. Code Mon-key like Fri-tos. Code Mon-key like Tab and Moun-tain Dew. Code Mon-key ve-ry sim-ple man, big warm fuz-zy sec-ret heart. Code Mon-key li-ke you. Code Mon-key li-ke you. Code Mon-key li-ke you.


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