艺人:Orchestrial Manovers in the Dark
作词:Andy McCluskey
作曲:Andy McCluskey
E-no-la gay, you should have stayed at home yes-ter-day Aha wo-rds can't des-cribe the feel-ing and the way you lied These games you play, they're gon-na end it more than tears some-day A-ha E-no-la gay, it shoul-dn't -ever have to end this way It's eight fif-teen, and that's the time that it's al-ways be-en We got your mes-sage on the ra-di- o, con-di-tions nor-mal and you're com-ing ho-me E-no-la gay, is mo-ther proud of lit-tle boy to-day A-ha this kiss you gi-ve, it's ne-ver e-ver gon-na fade a-way E-no-la gay, it shoul-dn't e-ver have to end this wa-y A-ha E-no-la ga-y, it shouldn't fa-de in our dreams a-way It's eight fif-te-en, and that's the ti-me that it's al-ways be-en We got your mes-sage on the ra-di- o, con-di-tions nor-mal and you're co-ming ho-me E-no-la gay, is mo-ther proud of lit-tle boy to-da-y A-ha this kiss you gi-ve, it's ne-ver e-ver gon-na fade a-wa-y