艺人:No Use For A Name
专辑:Hard Rock Bottom
作曲:No Use For A Name
I al-ways thought I had a pitch-black mind Sur-round-ing voi-ces change my views I feel fine now, it is a shame how I found out: A)When I was a kid I was full of hate B)Could-n't save the teen-ag-er that ne-ver felt blame C) Thought I blazed a path on a dead end street Al-ways in-com-plete D) None of these are an ex-cuse for the per-son I've a-void-ed And all you fuck-ers in de-ni-al Looks like you'll have to get there soon to wait a-while Be-fore you send me off in a nailed shut box Be-fore you send me off in a nailed shut box Please let me Stopped feel-ing in-se-cure with what was said In-diffe-rent to the voice att-atched to the head "What we'll be-come, is how we choose" Fight like a dumb man when you make him think You stay a-float for now, but sure-ly you'll sink With synth-e-tic friends Now I con-clude, I won't con-fide in you Hy-po-crite please, you know the truth you're just to "ha-ppy" to de-cide it Like a pre-dic-tion in a nur-sery ryh-me To shut me up you'll have to wait a whole life time Be-fore you send me off in a nailed shut box please let me know Be-fore you send me off in a nailed shut box Please let me know Be-fore you send me off in a nailed shut box Please let me know Be-fore you send me off in a nailed shut box Please let me know