艺人:Rik Emmett
作词:Emmett, Halligan, Shaw
作曲:Rik Emmett
We've been to geth er such a long timei. We've seen a lot of chang es come and go When my soul gets wear y and I don't see things so clear. There's a light for life still shin ing in your eyes, and it makes me re a lize that Faith will see us thru, that's how it's meant to be. I be lieve in you the way that you be lieve in me And I won't stretch the truth and the truth will set us free. I love you the way that you love me. Oh ba by, yeah Thru times of pain and times of pas sion. Times that there was no place left to go But an y kind of world still finds us here to geth er, And the rain may fall, so the emp ty wind can blow. Still the on ly thing I know is Faith will see us thru, that's how it's meant to be. I be lieve in you the way that you be lieve in me And I won't stretch the truth and the truth will set us free. I love you the way that you love me. The way that you love me, babe. That's the way it is ba by. The way its meant to be Ly ing here to geth er, on ly half way to for ev er, as the night time fades in to a no ther day And there's no thing left to say _ _ _ _ Hey! That's how it's meant to be. I be lieve in you the way that you be lieve in me The line holds stay ing true and the truth will set us free. I love you the way that you love me. I love you the way that you love me