
Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱 Orion吉他谱



  1. Rhythm 1 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Rhythm 2 - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Lead - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Bass - 拨片拨电贝司 Electric Bass(pick)
  5. Drumkit - 敲击乐器

CleanCleanDistortedDistortedThis part is doubled over rhythm 1This part is doubled over rhythm 1Extra bits are on extra tracks obviously!From here onwards don't trust me on this section!On the solo's rhythm especially!I improvise my solos usually so as a result I don't usually remember what I played!Parts up the octave are on another trackAgain, not sure about this part!This is probably wrong, so improvise :)Keep note heldClean with 1/4 beat delayClean with 1/4 beat delayClean with 1/4 beat delayLoads of funny noise, BAM, Cassini starts

标记:[A]IntroFirst Lead[B]Clean Interlude[C]Happy-go-lucky bridge section thing[D]BridgePre-Solo bit[E]7/8 Polyrhythm Solo[F]Insert generic riff here[G]Bridge?...I guess[A]Pre-Outro sectionOutro + SoloSegue into Cassini
歌曲: Orion

艺人:Sithu Aye



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