
Crumble吉他谱 Crumble吉他谱 Crumble吉他谱 Crumble吉他谱 Crumble吉他谱 Crumble吉他谱 Crumble吉他谱


制谱人:Claudio Huerta

This is my facebook for a request of tabs

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 180

  1. Solo - Extra - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Guitarra 1 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Guitarra 2 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Bajo - 拨片拨电贝司 Electric Bass(pick)
  5. Bateria - 敲击乐器
注释:Press F5 for infoPress F5 for infoPress F5 for infoPress F5 for info
歌曲: Crumble

艺人:Breakdown Of Sanity


The grey clouds obliterate the light blue sky
They're approaching quickly
The sloppy and filthy streets are
The streets are reflecting
Reflecting the human condition
Everywhere I look I can only see narrow alleyways

The bridges are burning

No chance to heal the wounds, no time-out from the selfish world
The cold environment is looking at me
In hopes (fucking getting) of getting answers

I close my eyes to stop the time, to forget all this misery
Where am I?
Where's the place where the roses still grow?
I can't hear through these hazy words anymore

Is this the reality or just my perception?
Wait for a sign but you can't see me
Through this blurred visibility

But I can see you
The fear in your face
The fluttering eyelid
But you can't hide
You can't

I perceive there is a way out
This might be a solution that cures the world

Can't you feel it?
Can you really see it?
So shout out, convince me
Step up!
So step up
Step up

You're the gunman
I am just the bullet shot from your gun now
I am just a bullet shot from your gun


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