Call to me, fall for me, give me your di sease, Be cause I can't feel you any more. Haun ted by your dar ker side, Thrills me to the core. You're per fect in eve ry way that's wrong, Ca ta lyst in side Ca ta lyst in side Ca ta lyst in side Be cause of this, I'll live un til I die, Ca ta lyst, I owe you my life. Be cause of this, I'll ne ver need to lie, Ca ta lyst, you clear my mind. I am o pen and re cep tive, to all that's good, and is un der stood. You'll just sit there and wait for me, Say you have hate for me. But I nee ded free dom, from my own face. Please un der stand my rea sons, I'm just ta ck ling my de mo ns. Ca ta lyst in side Ca ta lyst in side Be cause of this, I'll live un til I die, Ca ta lyst, I owe you my life. Be cause of this, I'll ne ver need to lie, Ca ta lyst, you clear my mind. Ca ta ly st. Be cause of this, I'll live un til I die, Ca ta lyst, I owe you my life. Be cause of this, I'll ne ver need to lie, Ca ta lyst, you clear my mind.