Blue Collar Man Long Nights

Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱 Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱 Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱 Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱 Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱 Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱 Blue Collar Man Long Nights吉他谱

标题:Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)


指示:Jam on!! and Have fun!!

Great band. Hope you like!!

节拍:♩ = 122

  1. Solo Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Rhythm Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Voice - 合成人声 Synth Voice
  4. Backup Vocals - 合成人声 Synth Voice
  5. Organ - 击杆风琴 Hammond Organ
  6. Organ (backup) - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  7. Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  8. Percussion - 敲击乐器
注释:Givemeajobgivemese -cu -ri -ty,givemea chance tosur -vive._______________I'mjustapoorsoulintheun -em -ploy - ment___line,_____myGodI'mhard - lya - live.____ Mymoth - erandfath - er,___mywife______andmy__friends,___Isee them laughin__myface.______ButI've__gotthepow - er____and I've_____gotthewill____I'mnotacha - ri - tycase.______I'lltake_those....Keep - in' myeye____tothekey - hole.______Ifit___takes....Well I'mgon - na bea blue col - lar man.________________Make me anof - fer___ that I_____can't re - fuse._____Make me a re - spect - ab - le________man_____This ismylast____time__in__theun - em - ploy - ment__line,__so likeitor___ not___I'lltake_those_Keep - in' my___back__to the______wall._______If___ittakes...Well I'mgon - na be a bluecol - larman_______________Keep - in'__mymind_____onabet - terlife,wherehap - pi - ness__ison - lyaheart________beat___a - way_____________________Pa - ra - dise,canit__beall______Iheard____it____was?Iclose my eyes,_andmay - be_I'mal -read - y______there.___I'lltake_those_Keep - in' my___back__to the______wall._______If___ittakes...Well I'mgon - na be a bluecol - lar__man_______________________Youdon't_un - der - stand._____I'lltake_those_Keep - in' myeye___tothekey -holeifittakes..._____Well I'drath - er be a bluecol - lar, rath -erbea bluecol - lar gon -nabea blue col - lar man._________________________Al - right(Spoken):Be - lieve itLongnights,_im - pos - si - ble_odds__Allthatto bejust what I__am.___Longnights,_im - pos - si - ble_odds__Allnightto bejust what I__am.___Longnights,_im - pos - si - ble_odds__Allthatto bejust what I__am.___Dodododododododo___Dodododododododo___Dodododododododo___Dodododododododo___Longnights,_im - pos - si - ble_odds__Allthatto bejust what I__am.___
标记:IntroVerse 1Verse 2Chorus 1Verse 3Chorus 2BridgeWicked SoloChorus 3InterludeChorus 4Outro


专辑:Pieces of Eight

作词:Tommy Shaw

作曲:Tommy Shaw

Blue  Collar  Man  (Long  Nights)  -  Styx
Give me a job, give me security
Give me a chance to survive
I'm just a poor soul in the unemployment line
My god, I'm hardly alive
My mother and father, my wife and my friends
You see them laugh in my face
But I've got the power, and I've got the will
I'm not a charity case
I'll take those long nights, impossible odds
Keeping my eye to the keyhole
If it takes all that to be just what I am
Well I'm gonna be a blue collar man
Make me an offer that I can't refuse
Make me a respectable man
This is my last time in the unemployment line
So like it or not, I'll take the
Long nights, impossible odds
Keeping my back to the wall
If it takes all night to be just what I am
Well, I'm gonna be a blue collar man
Keeping my mind on a better life
Where happiness is only a heartbeat away
Paradise, can it be all I heard it was
I close my eyes and maybe I'm already there
I'll take those long nights, impossible odds
Keeping my back to the wall
All that to be just what I am
Well I'm gonna be a blue collar man
Do, do do do, do do do do
You don't understand
Do do do do do do do do do do do
I'll take those long nights, impossible odds
Keeping my eye to the keyhole
If it takes all night to be just who I am
Well, I'm bound to be a blue collar
Got to be a blue collar
Gonna be a blue collar man
All right!
Believe it.


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