Love Lost

Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱 Love Lost吉他谱

标题:Love Lost

标签: 总谱

  1. Piste 1 - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  2. Piste 2 - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  3. Piste 3 - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. Piste 5 - 弦乐合奏1 String Ensemble 1
  5. Piste 6 - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  6. Piste 7 - 镲波形反转 Reverse Cymbal
  7. Piste 8 - 合成柔音(暖音) Pad 2 (warm)
  8. Piste 9 - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  9. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
歌曲: Love Lost

艺人:Betraying The Martyrs

love  lost  -  betraying  the  martyrs
wash this blood from my,
wash this blood from my,
wash this blood from my,
wash this blood from my,
today was the day that i slain a man, slain a man,
his name was love and
i loved him more than anything,
forgive me father for i have sinned,
forgive me my lost love for
i will never forgive myself!
my mind is both plagued and blessed
by thoughts of your death.
i rid myself of this possession my selfish sword
of which i cut you with
cut you deep cut you down, oh!
love lost, you find that one,
and you'll lose it all not for a night of fun,
but a night of regret now,
watch her run.
watch her run.
i know i will never forgive myself,
my love, my life is lost forever.
i constructed a path for you to walk away,
built by hands of a lie with bricks of shame,
since the first one was laid
there was no turning back,
a construction of destruction,
i am my own demise!
i am my own demise!
my own demise! i am my own demise!
my own demise, oh!
i am my own demise!
i am my own demise!
my own demise! i am my own demise!
today was the day that i slain a man, slain a man,
he was my heart, i have killed myself.
wash this blood from my hands.
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never an option,
i received what i deserved!
there was never



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