Slow Love Slow

Slow Love Slow吉他谱 Slow Love Slow吉他谱

标题:Slow, Love, Slow (Solo)

I would not say that the tablature is 100% correct, but to 80% the tones should be correct. If you listen to the original solo 
again and try it out a bit, you should be able to play it very closely.
(Sorry if there are any mistakes in the text)
-----------------------------------------------------Ich w黵de nicht sagen, das die Tabulatur zu 100% Korrekt ist, aber zu 80% 
sollte es stimmen. Wenn man sich das Originale Solo noch einmal anh鰎t und ein bisschen Rumprobiert, sollte man ziehmlich Korre
kt spielen k鰊nen.

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 85

  1. Emppu - 爵士乐电吉他 Electric Guitar (jazz)
  2. Marco - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  3. Jukka - 敲击乐器
注释:slide with tapping fingerIt's not quite right, but it should be about right.Fast Tapping



Come and share this painting with me
Unveiling of me, the magician that never failed

This deep sigh coiled around my chest
Intoxicated by a major chord
I wonder
Do I love you or the thought of you?

Slow, love, slow
Only the weak are not lonely

Southern blue, morning dew
Let-down-your-guards, I-love-you's
Ice-cream castles, lips-to-ear rhymes
A slumber deeper than time

Slow, love, slow
Only the weak are not lonely


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