专辑:Opera Sauvage
Our Fa- ther which is in Heav- en Hal- lowed be th- y name th- y king- dom come. Th- y will be done in earth as it is in Heav- en. Give us this day our dai- ly bread. And for- give us our debts, as we for- give our debters and lead us not in- to temp- ta- tion, but de- liv- er us from evil for thine is the King- dom and the pow-er and the glo- ry for ev- er a- men. Let not your heart be trou- bled ye be- lieve in God be- lieve al- so in me. In my Fa- thers house, are man- y man- sions If it were not so I would have told you. Just trust me and o- bey. Great peace have they which love th- y Law. And no- thing shall of- fend them!