专辑:The Source
作词:Arjen Anthony Lucassen
作曲:Arjen Anthony Lucassen
[The President:] Can you feel the pow er of this vast, ev er last ing o cean world? Seas of blue, an in fi nite view, life with out fron tiers. I can smell the free dom, of a life not ruled by mind ma chines. A bound less place, per pe tu al space, un touched by man... yeah [The Diplomat:] Un blem ished and pure, a par a gon of per fec tion. So calm and se rene, for ev er. A glor i ous view, oh I can't be lieve my eyes. Our trek is com plete, our goal is a chieved. We're a live, WE'RE A LIVE!!! [The Astronomer:] We're go ing down in to the o cean, to bur y the past. We're go ing down in to the o cean! [TH-1:]Di ving in to the deep. [The President:] I be lieve this pla net, will give rise to a new hu man i ty. Im mor tal souls, tak ing con trol, co lo nized by man... [TH-1:]...not by ma chines! [The Captain:] I'll take us down, once we're in, there will be no way out. We'll merge with this world, for ev er. Su stained by the Source, we'll ex plore the great un known. Our pas sage is done, our bat tle is won. We'll make it out a live! [The Astronomer:] We're go ing down in to the o cean, to bur y the past. We're go ing down in to the o cean! [TH-1:]to cre ate a world, down there be neath the seas. [The Opposition Leader:] And soon our minds will meld, we'll share the dreams that we once held. And soon our sen ses surge, a sym bi o sis will e merge. And soon our souls u nite, we'll be con nec ted deep in side. And soon our thoughts will blend, we'll be as one, nev er end! [The Preacher:] For e ons to come, we will thrive be neath these seas. Our spir its seem free, for ev er. But sha dows will rise, they will steal our souls a way. Then a co met will fly, cleav ing the skies. To a world of to mor row dreams! [The Astronomer:] We're go ing down in to the o cean, to bur y the past. We're go ing down in to the o cean! [TH-1:]To cre ate a world, down there be neath the seas. [The Opposition Leader:] And soon our minds will meld, we'll share the dreams that we once held. And soon our sen ses surge, a sym bi o sis will e merge. And soon our souls u nite, we'll be con nec ted deep in side. And soon our thoughts will blend, we'll be as one, nev er end!