I have been forsaken by thegodsmygodsmyLifes work is smoldering before my eyesAll that remains isAll that remains isspiraling into the skyNothing left to live for now i hold the keyhold the keyto unlocking my mindI fear death no longerI fear death no longerdrinking from the flaskdrinking from the flaska potent concoctionof crudely synthesizedPsychotropictincture tincture The sky melts awayRevealing the universethat liesjust beneath thesurface of our own realitygod extends his hand upon meand iseeand ifar beyondinfinityfar beyondinfinityinfinityinfinityI fear death no longerI fear death no longerand i seefar beyondand i seefar beyondthe spirits whisper in my ears, their word i cantDecipherbound by my fleshi mustshed myshed my skin skinI walk the streets in darknessi feel their eyes upon meI walk the streets in darknessi feel their eyes upon meThey call me sub humanthey'll never understand mebecause they cant see what i seemy intellect wastes awaythey'll never understand mebecause they cant see what i seeI have unlocked my mindunderneath this melted skythe spirits whisper in my ears, their word i cantdeciphershed myskin