It is my first GP tab, so whilst the majority is correct, there are some parts that I have had issues with - be it tabbing, or sound channel not working correctly:
- Sounds may not be 100% correct.
- Slide out on Olly Dist. and Feisal Dist. in verse one (didn't know how to tab correctly.)
- Slide out on Olly Dist. and Feisal Dist. in chorus (didn't know how to tab correctly.)
- Additional notes on Center Guitars may not be 100% accurate.
- Palm mute sound isn't working properly in bar 91.
- Lag on Center Guitar 1 and 2.
- Bass on Verse 3 isn't 100% correct.
Not sure about the slideNot sure about the slidePalm mute broke here in GP7Not sure about this part