This tab is based off of the recording of the song.
All of the current The Fall of Troy tabs and covers I
have seen all over the internet are fairly accurate, but
when trying to learn them, and then listening to the
actual songs, I noticed that there were quite a few
mistakes. Because of this I decided I would start
writing my own tabs.I would say it is about 95%
accurate to the original recording. I have used audio
slowing software so most of the notes ARE the notes
that are used in the recording. I have also watched
multiple videos of Thomas playing this song, so the
fretting should be fairly accurate as well.
I believe Thomas uses a Digitech Whammy Pedal
leading to the outro of the song (measures 70-71), but I
think at live performances he sometimes just scratches
at the guitar strings with his pick.
Many of the pull-offs to open notes in this
song could be optional, as I think Thomas's playing
style revolves around that type of loose and pseudo-
sloppy playing. The best example of this would be
measures 72-79. The open G and D notes are
sometimes audible in the recording, but sometimes only
one note will sound.
Also, one part I am not completely clear on is the
open D palm-muted power chords on measures 24 and
28-31. I am not exactly sure on the rhythm of the
notes, as that part of the song is quite noisy and
abraisive, and the low frequency of the notes makes it
very hard to distinguish the actual rhythms.
If you have any questions are comments, or would
like me to tab any other The Fall of Troy song (I am
currently working on Sledgehammer), or any song from
any other band (I prefer complex stuff) please leave a
comment or contact me via email at
matrix_chicken273@yahoo.com (I created it when I
was young). I plan on tabbing and learning how to play
every song on Doppleganger at some point, and
possibly every The Fall of Troy song, so if you
have any requests, please let me know.