艺人:The Front Bottoms
专辑:The Front Bottoms
There's beer in cof-fee mugs, wa-ter bot-tles and so-da cups And it's clear as the win-dows I came through That you are in one of those mo-ods and I [ am in one of them, too] And it's hard to com-mu-ni-cate a-ny-thing And I will re-mem-ber that sum-mer As the sum-mer I was ta-king ster-oids Because you like a man with mus-cles And I like you. It's the cops are co-ming in type of so-ber-ing up It's a girl who ne-ver learned that I could not give a fuck My friends are hap-py, I am hap-py, I have learned to a-dapt It's a dar-ker kind of hu-mor and I can still hear 'em laugh And there's beer in cof-fee mugs, water bot-tles and so-da cups And it's clear as the win-dows I came through And I will re-mem-ber that sum-mer As the sum-mer I was ta-king ster-oids Because you like a man with mus-cle-s And I like you. But it's an aer-i-al view from your house to my room Yeah, it's an aer-i-al view from your house to my ro-om And I am loo-king in your win-dows, and I am try-ing not to stare Holding on to hope I'm sure was ne-ver e-ven there 'Cause it's an aer-i-al view from your house to my room As the sum-mer I was ta-king ste-roids As the sum-mer I was ta-king ste-ro-ids As the sum-mer I was ta-king ste-roids