标题:Sea of Dreams(马男波杰克s304片尾曲)

标签: 总谱 , 乐队版 , 电吉他 , 伴奏

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 100

  1. 钢琴1 - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  2. 敲击乐器 - 敲击乐器
  3. BASS - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. 口哨 - 合成特效1(雨) FX 1 (rain)
  5. 吉他 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  6. 钢琴2 - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  7. 键盘 - 弦乐震音 Tremolo Strings
  8. solo - 竖笛 Recorder


I'll take your word
Like a good friend should
If the earth should dry
May your dreams never die
Clouds are sacred, nothing!
The skies and all man, waiting!

You'll find me
In a sea of dreams
Where no one cares about my words
I hear her voice
She laughs now
She loves me now and always did

I'll take your word
Like a bestfriend should
If your heart should dry
May your eyes still cry

You'll find me
In a sea of dreams
Where no one cares about my words
I hear her voice
She laughs now
She loves me now and always did




板凳 wejir
