艺人:Adam Gould
So far a-way from home, be-yond a dist-ant reach Faint whis-pers from the edge, re-turn-ing piece by piece A lone-ly point of light, cap-tured in a fin-al glance A sol-i-tar-y hint of life, dis-co-vered if by chance God cre-a-tors, dream des-troy-ers Spine-less cow-ards, and fear-less warr-iors Hope-ful chil-dren, moth-ers and fa-thers Our blood filled riv-ers filled- by hate We wor-ship her-oes, kings- and saints But who's- out- there to save us- from our-selves? All you will ev-er know All life that ev-er was All you des-pise or love Liv-ing out their lives This is-o-lat-ed speck Hurl-ing through the cos-mic dark Would seem to go a-stray If we were washed a-way God cre-a-tors, dream des-troy-ers Know-ledge seek-ers and bold ex-plor-ers Hope-ful chil-dren, moth-ers and fa-thers All on this place we call- our home A-drift in space- we're on- our own But who's- out- there to save us- from our-selves?