I originally covered this one back in 2015. At the time I used the other guitar pro tab on UG. I knew back then that it had som
e problems, but I didn't know much about making tabs to fix it so I mainly just left it how it was. Fast forward 4 years later,
I chose to revisit the song again. When taking a look at that tab again, the problems with it became even more apparent. There
were actual sections missing, some of the timings were off, it wasn't tempo synced, and the drums were only partial. The tab w
asn't completely useless though, as it did provide a reference point in making this one. This one I feel is a much more accurat
e representation of this song. I studied the original as closely as I could, and this is how it sounded to me. The only thing I
don't feel that confident about is the drums. It's possible that I used wrong notes or I may have missed notes in some places,
but it at least goes with the song so I'm satisfied with it.