艺人:Bad Religion
专辑:The Empire Strikes First
作词:Greg Graffin
作曲:Brett Gurewitz, Greg Graffin
Not long a-go,- and yet the i-mage is so vague I he-si-tate to la-bel it a me-mo-ry, There was a show of lo-cal co-lor and I felt as-tray 'Cuz I had no-thing to of-fer but in-suf-fi-ci-en-cy. And you know that it抯 a bitch When you learn to scratch that itch, A bla-tant fal-li-bi-li-ty, So-oner to some, but e-ven-tu-al-ly... All gets poin-ted in the same di-rec-tion While the hu-man mas-ses and their vague con-cep-tions Ob-li-ter-ate each o-ther with im-pu-ni-ty, And you won-der "What抯 in this for me?" To a-no-ther a-byss to no a-vail, The search is bound to fail. To a-no-ther a-byss to no a-vail, So long a-go I set sail. And it chills me to the bone That I抦 so far a-way from home. To a-no-ther a-byss. So what should I do now?- What should I ce-le-brate Gi-ven fi-nite means and a pen-chant to de-pre-ci-ate? How can I still a-vow- and de-pend u-pon a state That cares no-thing for my hap-pi-ness, wel-fare or fa-te?- And I know I can抰 ex-plain The com-mo-tion in my brain, Like a ter-ri-fying re-a-li-ty, De-con-struc-ted but in-ade-qua-tely... All gets poin-ted in the same di-rec-tion While the hu-man mas-ses and their vain con-cep-tions Ob-li-te-rate each o-ther with im-pu-ni-ty, And re-lease the weight of his-to-ry. To an-o-ther a-byss to no a-vail, The search is bound to fail. To an-o-ther a-byss to no a-vail, So long a-go I set sail. And it chills me to the bone That I抦 so far a-way from home. To an-o-ther a-byss. So long a-go, so long a-go oh I set sail And I抦 strug-gling on the way And I抦 wait-ing for the day And I抦 look-ing for the way back home. So far a-way, So far a-way, So far a-way...